Artistic Director Ryan Brandau and composer James Whitbourn: a conversation

Enjoy a fascinating exploration of Annelies with our artistic director and the composer himself. From interacting with the story of Anne Frank herself to more technical aspects of composition, this interview is a rare and engaging opportunity to learn about the creative process. Princeton Pro Musica will perform Annelies on Sunday, March 13, 2022 at 4…

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2021-2022 Contributors

We are profoundly grateful to each individual, corporation, and agency that helped sustain us through our Covid-19 “hibernation.” Your support kept us strong, and enabled us to plan for the current season and beyond. This list includes combined gifts from donors from January 1, 2020 to November 30, 2021. Great care is taken to ensure…

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Your Support Matters!

Perhaps you had tickets for Princeton Pro Musica’s performance of Annelies in March 2020. Little did we know when we were forced to cancel that concert that the whole world was beginning to shut down. In the weeks that followed, performing arts groups faced difficult decisions about their immediate futures made more challenging by a…

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Princeton Pro Musica wins The American Prize in Choral Performance 2021 Community Division

PRINCETON PRO MUSICA, Ryan Brandau music director, is the co-winner (with Transept of Sioux Falls SD) of the American Prize in Choral Performance 2021 in the community division!  Princeton Pro Musica was selected from applications reviewed recently from all across the United States.  The American Prize National Nonprofit Competition in the Performing Arts is the…

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