Support PPM and your gift will be matched!

Dear Friends of Princeton Pro Musica, Have you ever faced the shock of an unexpected financial shortfall? If you have, you might have understood the way we at Princeton Pro Musica felt this spring. For years, PPM has been pleased to receive a generous grant from the NJ State Council on the Arts. Regrettably, the council recently changed its eligibility requirements in such a way that meant Princeton Pro Musica was no longer able to apply for a grant from that particular source, which represented nearly 20% of our revenue! Fortunately, your steady support over many seasons and our solid financial stewardship meant we wouldn’t have to drastically change our planned 2024-2025 season. But even more fortunately, the biggest source of support for our organization comes from you, our dedicated patrons. Indeed, in response to this event, a small group of PPM super-supporters teamed up to offer a major gift. They’ll match, dollar for dollar, the first $30,000 we can raise by December 30, 2024. We hope you’ll join them and make a gift to show your love and support of music. Our commitment to providing you with excellent programming is unwavering. Princeton Pro Musica will continue to bring you the choral-orchestral classics that you love, opening your ears and hearts to powerful stories and helping you understand and appreciate those works. We have heard from so many of you expressions akin to this patron’s response:
“The concert was OUTSTANDING! The music was absolutely beautiful, the soloists were superb. Overall it was a truly meaningful and moving experience for us.”
The opportunity to gather as a community and listen to each other is more important than ever, and we need your support more than ever. This special match offers you the chance to double the impact of your support. And if you seize this moment to consider increasing your support, it will have an even greater impact: doubling your own contribution will have quadruple the impact! |
>>Click to Support PPM today!<< |
We hope we can count on you. We simply couldn’t do it without you. Yours in music, Ryan James Brandau, Artistic Director |